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Tuition: $2,320
The Christian Worker’s Certificate program is 30 Hours.
The Christian Worker’s Certificate is designed for potential missionaries, pastors, and lay people who desire a greater knowledge of the Bible and a better understanding of the professional challenges of ministry.
BSC-1013 – Old Testament Survey
The text of this course is a widely used narrative survey of the Old Testament. This study is for college freshmen and sophomores whose primary educational modality has been visual. It is also used as a refresher for established Christians who may be entering higher levels of study, but have not formally taken a course like this one.
BSC-1023 – New Testament Survey
This course is a most enlightening look not only of the written Word of the New Testament, but for the examination of backgrounds and historical accounts of leaders of relevant eras. The text is excellent. It is clearly written and makes abundant use of visuals.
BSC-1033 – Basic Christian Theology
A study that introduces the major doctrines of the Christian faith by showing how these doctrines answer questions that arise naturally in the minds of individuals. It is an excellent core for many areas of advanced study.
BSC-1053 – Prayer Essentials
This is a course that gives a step-by-step guide to building a church that prays. Gives methods to intentionally build prayer into the life and structure of the church.
CC-33193 – Holding on to your God Given Dreams
This course will help students understand how to counsel individuals to make their dreams turn into reality and thus fulfill the destiny that God has in store for us. It uses the example of Joseph’s life in the Old Testament and the 10 character-building tests he endured which allowed him to assess his strengths and weaknesses – the same tests that each of us must pass before God lets us realize our dreams.
CER-2023 – The Effective Minister of Education
This course contains essential information for those preparing to serve as a director of education. It discusses the calling, the qualifications, the roles, the responsibilities and the rewards of Christian Education.
ED-54124 – Understanding World Religions
This course is an indispensable guide for students, ministers, church leaders and laypersons who want to begin a journey into understanding the beliefs and practices of religious people around the world.
MIN-3213 – Christian Social Ministry
The text of this course is biblically rooted, historically informed, theologically thorough, and eminently practical. It deals with contemporary social issues using Christian ministry.
TH-3133 – Church Administration I
An investigation into basic leadership skills and a study of the application in the life of the vocational Christian worker.
TH-3153 – God’s Truth
Introduces students to the goals and practices of biblical theology. Students will gain an appreciation for how the New Testament unlocks the central message of scripture, and will be equipped for a lifetime of studying God’s Word.