Master of Ministry

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Tuition: $5,500

The Master of Ministry Track is 32 Hours – Total Hours Required 152

Designed to equip students as leaders and counseling professionals in the mental health field.

Prerequisite: Bachelor’s Degree and Core Curriculum if required – Click here for details
Hours required over the track are made up of life/work/ministry (LWMT) credits, prerequisites and electives.

Required Track Courses:

MIN-5204 – Exegeting the New Testament
This course provides step-by-step analysis of exegeting the New Testament for study or sermon preparation. Devised for those with minimal Greek. It reflects the introduction of many new secondary materials, computer-aided research and rhetorical criticism’s presence in exegetical materials.

MIN-5214 – Heartfelt Preaching
This course focuses on the person of the preacher in the preaching task. It discusses the importance of preaching from the inside rather from tradition.

MIN-5224 – Christian Conflict Management II
Conflict arises in all levels of the church. Pastors, associate pastors, deacons, elders and church members have different opinions. The pastor is often appointed by default as the mediator.

MIN-5234 –  Seniors Ministry
A theology on aging. This course speaks directly and compassionately about the sometimes painful transition to retirement and beyond. Concentrates on the inner needs of seniors, including spiritual needs and the need to have a purpose in life. Provides valuable insight for anyone working with seniors.

HIS-8053-4 –  History of Israel
This survey has established itself as an important course in Bible colleges and seminaries. It serves as background tool in the pursuit of a theology degree. The usefulness of this course is enhanced by a section on the inter-testamental period.

MIN-5274 –  Revival
A Course that gives a complete treatment of revival covering such areas as the place of faith and prayer in relation to revival, revival methods, hindrances to revivals and instructions for new Christians.

MIN-52104 –  Ministry in Missions
A course for missionaries and those with a heart for missions. It lays sound theological and strategic foundations for the missionary of today. Gives insight into difficulties encountered on the mission field caused by language barriers, customs, cultures and communication of the message of Jesus Christ

MIN-52114 –  Old Testament Revisited
This course will give the student a comprehensive understanding of the Old Testament as a whole. It will provide the student with the highlights of the entire scope of the thirty-nine books of the Old Testament, including pivotal events, important dates, significant geographical locations and key characters.