Tuition: $5,500
Master of Ministry – Christian Education is a 32 Hour Program. 152 Total Credit Hours Required
The Master’s Degree in Christian Education prepares students for advanced professional competence in a Christian Education community.
Prerequisites: Bachelor’s Degree
Core Curriculum if required – Click here for details
Hours required over the track are made up of life/work/ministry (LWMT) credits, prerequisites and electives.
Required Track Courses:
ED-5404 – Foundations for Christian Education
A course giving a systematic guide to instructional planning based on learning to set goals, and develop and implement strategies for reaching them.
ED-5414 – Teaching Ministry in the Church
Brings into one course the entire range of concerns of those who are preparing to administer Christian education in a local church.
ED-5434 – Church Administration II
This course is divided into four reference sections: Church and Law, Church Finances, Church facilities and Church Personnel. Subjects covered: medical liability, office management, and obstacles to good stewardship, cash-flow management and budgeting. The contemporary church is a business and must be managed as a business. This course is a standard for pastors, deacons, elders, and lay leaders.
ED-5474 – Communication Techniques for Christians – Revitalizes teachers and Bible study leaders with effective communication techniques. Offers plans for gaining high performance from low achievers. Shows the teacher techniques that cause students to remember three times more than normal.
ED-54104 – Basics of Christian Education – The title, Basics of Christian Education, may give the connotations of an introductory course, but as the student progresses through the course an enormous amount of valuable information surfaces.
ED-54114 – Discipleship – This course is based upon the foremost pattern of instruction as given during Christ’s Sermon on the Mount. The text contains four hundred pages of discipleship as taught by the Teacher of teachers.
ED-54124 – Understanding World Religions – This course is an indispensable guide for students, ministers, church leaders and laypersons who want to begin a journey into understanding the beliefs and practices of religious people around the world.
ED-54134 – Supervision of Pastoral Care – A course designed to help the pastor or counselor supervise those assigned to pastoral care duties such as lay counseling. Many churches have a staff of pastoral care personnel. This course will help to guide these lay people in the right direction.