Bachelor of Ministry – World Missions

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Tuition: $4,500

The Bachelor of Ministry – World Missions Track is 39 Hours, Total Hours Required are 120.

Designed to help students communicate biblical truths effectively to people from cultural backgrounds different from their own.  In addition, students will become more aware and sensitive to cultural differences effectively reducing the likelihood of causing offense.  Studies will sufficiently ground students in the scriptures to be able to teach the Word of God competently and faithfully while learning the importance of the church in God’s plan of salvation for people of every nation, every tongue and every tribe.

Prerequisites: High School Diploma or equivalent
Core Curriculum – Click here for details
Hours required over the track are made up of life/work/ministry (LWMT) credits, prerequisites and electives.

Required Track Courses:

MIN-1013 – Introduction to Missions

This course seeks to guide missionaries (1) to understand the purposes of God that empowers missions; (2) to discern personal motives for carrying out that mission; (3) to learn how to be learners of a new culture and many other necessary segments of information that is essential to the missionary.

MIN-3213 – Christian Social Ministry

The text of this course is biblically rooted, historically informed, theologically thorough, and eminently practical. It deals with contemporary social issues using Christian ministry.

MIS-3523 – Biblical Missions

This course features a scholarship focus on the theme of missions. It carries a necessary dialogue with Catholic and Protestant scholars who have done pioneer work in this important field. It includes a collection of essays.

MIN-3263 – Essential Skills of Preaching

Utilizing the tools acquired as a result of the successful completion of this course, the student will be able to read, analyze and critique the sermons of Gospel preachers. The student will become acquainted with the requirements and preparation methods of effective Gospel preaching, as well as the fundamentals of actual sermon delivery.

MIS-3543 – Christian Missions

This course uses the case study method of teaching which is becoming the favored technique of presenters who want to help groups and individuals entertain options outside their normal repertory of programmed responses.

MIS-3553 – Ministry in Missions I

The textbook used in this course is one of the most widely used works on Christian cross-cultural communication. Not only is this course designed for the student that is preparing for mission service, it is also for the troubled missionary facing daily pressures of communicating the gospel in alien cultures and the overworked executive plotting strategies for his denominational task force or mission society.

MIS-3563 – Theological Education – World Wide

This course is filled with probing essays, factual case studies and critical commentaries. It provides a deep and common resolve that fidelity to the theological task entails serious, sustained and intentional responses.

MIS-3573 – Christian Anthropology I

Comprehensive and full of insight yet practical and pastoral, this course is a map to study before setting out on any missionary calling. It is packed with the kind of analysis and description that every evangelist urgently needs.

MIS-3583 – Christian Anthropology II

A continuation of MIS-3573

MIS-3593 – Mission Theology

This course deals with the need for ecumenism in the mission field. It has been viewed as a contemporary standard tackling the pressing issues of our times – pluralism, syncretism, church-state relations, the urban sprawls on every continent and means of updating our theologies without distorting their biblical messages.

MIS-35103 – Biographical Studies in Missions I

This course deals extensively with stories of a selection of nineteenth- and twentieth-century pioneers of mission, men and women, Protestant and Catholic, who played creative roles in turning that global vision into global reality. The student of world Christianity can gain insight into the spiritual and human dynamics that produced the modern Christian missionary movement.

MIS-35113 – Biographical Studies in Missions II

A continuation of MIS-35103

MIS-35123 – Free Elective